The -Toolbars command shows, hides, and places toolbars.
It is the command window variant of the Toolbars command.
To show and place toolbars:
- Type -Toolbars at the command prompt.
- Specify a toolbar name (for example, Draw).
- Specify an option:
- Show. Displays the toolbar.
- Hide. Hides the toolbar.
- Left. Docks the toolbar at the left margin of the application.
- Right. Docks the toolbar at the right margin of the application.
- Top. Docks the toolbar below the menu bar or below the ribbon.
- Bottom. Docks the toolbar above the status bar and the command window.
- Float. Displays the toolbar as floating.
Specify the XY screen coordinates (in pixels) to position the toolbar.
- On the Tool Matrix. Places the toolbar on the Tool Matrix.
Define the position of the toolbar by specifying an index. 0 places the toolbar at the topmost position, values greater than 0 inserts it at the corresponding position, and -1 appends the toolbar at the end of the Tool Matrix.
To show or hide all toolbars:
- Type -Toolbars at the command prompt.
- Specify the All option.
- Specify the Show or Hide option.
Command: -Toolbars