Associating Drawing Standards and Setting Notification Options
Use the DrawingStandards command to:
- Associate drawing standards to the current drawing
- Determine the drawing categories to check
- Set notification and audit options
To associate drawing standards to the current drawing:
- Click Tools > Standards > Drawing Standards (or type DrawingStandards).
- In the dialog box, expand Standards.
- Click New.
- In the file dialog box, specify the name for the drawing standard file (*.dws) to associate to the current drawing.
- Click Open.
- Optionally, repeat steps 2 and 3 to add more standards files to the list.
- Click Delete to remove a standard from the list.
- Standards from multiple standards files are checked in the order specified in the list. To change the priority, select an item, then click Move up or Move down.
- Under Settings, read information about the selected standard including drawing file name, drawing format (release version), last modification date, and who did the last change.
- Click Verify Standards to verify the associated standards immediately. This option runs the VerifyStandards command.
- Click Apply.
To determine the drawing categories to check:
- Click Tools > Standards > Drawing Standards (or type DrawingStandards).
- In the dialog box, expand Drawing Categories.
- Activate the drawing categories to include for verification with the VerifyStandards command:
- Note: Check at least one category to enable drawing standards checks.
- Click Apply.
To set notification and audit options:
- Click Tools > Standards > Drawing Standards (or type DrawingStandards).
- In the dialog box, expand Options.
- In Notification, select an option:
- Disable alert message: Turns off standards violation notifications.
- Pop-up alert over standards violation: Displays a pop-up alert when standards violations are detected in the current drawing (default).
- In Verify standards, specify options:
- Automatically fix nonstandard properties: Specifies whether to automatically fix nonstandard objects when you run the VerifyStandards command (cleared by default).
- Show ignored standards violations: Specifies whether to display standards violations that are flagged as ignored in the Verify Standards dialog box (selected by default).
- Preferred standards file: Sets a drawing standards file (*.dws) or None.
- Click Apply.
Command: DrawingStandards
Menu: Tools > Standards > Drawing Standards
Ribbon: Manage > Standards > Drawing Standards