Customizing the Drawing Scale List
Use the EditScaleList command to customize the list of scales for printing, managing PageLayouts, scaling Viewports on layout Sheets, and assigning scales to annotative entities.
Use the EditScaleList command to customize the list of scales for printing, managing Print Configurations, scaling Viewports on layout Sheets, and assigning scales to annotative entities.
Use the EditScaleList command to customize the list of scales for printing, managing Print Configurations, scaling Viewports on layout Sheets, and assigning scales to annotative entities.
This scale list is stored and valid for the current drawing. It is named Drawing Scale List.
You can also customize the Default Scale List, which determines the Drawing Scale List for new drawings, which are created without template drawings.
To customize the Drawing Scale List:
- Do one of the following:
- Expand Drawing Scale List.
- Click Add to add a new scale to the list:
- In the Scale Name column of the new list item, type a descriptive name for the new scale, typically the ratio from paper units to drawing units.
- In Paper Units, type a number.
- In Drawing Units, type a number.
The ratio between paper units and drawing units determines the scale applied when selecting the scale name in the scale list.
- Click Move up to move the selected item up in the list.
- Click Move down to move the selected item down in the list.
- Click Delete to remove the selected item from the list.
You cannot delete named scales that are used in the drawing.
- Click Reset to replace the settings of the custom Drawing Scale List with the settings of the Default Scale List.
- Click Apply to save the scale list customization.
You can also redefine existing scale specifications in the Drawing Scale List. You cannot delete or modify scales that are referenced by entities in the drawing or that are referenced by References.
Command: EditScaleList