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Keyboard Shortcuts

Function Keys

Function Key Description Related Commands
Esc / esc Cancels current command
F1 Displays online help Help
F2 Shows and hides the command history in a separate Command Window CommandHistory, HideCommandHistory
F3 Turns EntitySnaps on and off EntitySnap, -EntitySnap
F5 Switches the isometric grid to next isoplane IsometricGrid
F6 Activates or deactivates the Dynamic Coordinate System
F7 Turns the grid display on and off Grid
F8 Turns ortho mode on and off Ortho
F9 Turns snap mode on and off Snap
F10 Turns Polar Guides on and off
F11 Turns Entity Tracking on and off
F12 Turns QuickInput on and off
Ctrl + F4 Exits the drawing but not the program Close
Alt + F4 Exits the program Exit


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Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcut Description Related Commands
Ctrl + 0 Maximizes the drawing area or returns to generic display mode FullScreen, HideFullscreen
Ctrl + 1 Turns the Properties Palette on and off Properties, HideProperties
Ctrl + 2 Turns the Design Resources Palette on and off DesignResources, HideDesignResources
Ctrl + 9 Turns the Command Window on and off CommandWindow, HideCommandWindow
Ctrl + A Selects all non-frozen entities in the current Viewport SelectAll
Ctrl + B Toggles snap mode during command execution Snap
Ctrl + C Copies entities to the clipboard ClipboardCopy
Ctrl + Shift + C Copies entities with a specified reference point to the clipboard Copy@
Ctrl + D Toggles the dynamic CCS during command execution Dynamic CCS
Ctrl + F Finds and replaces Text in Notes, Annotations, and Dimension Text Find
Ctrl + G Toggles grid display during command execution Grid
Ctrl + I Toggles coordinate display during command execution Coordinates
Ctrl + K Attaches a hyperlink to entities or modifies an existing hyperlink Hyperlink
Ctrl + L Toggles ortho mode during command execution Ortho
Ctrl + N Creates a new drawing file New
Ctrl + O Opens an existing drawing file Open
Ctrl + P Plots the drawing to a plotter, printer, or file Print
Ctrl + Q Exits the software Exit
Ctrl + S Saves the drawing under the current file name or a specified name Save
Ctrl + Shift + S Saves an unnamed drawing with a file name or renames the current drawing SaveAs
Ctrl + V Inserts data from the clipboard Paste
Ctrl + Shift + V Inserts entities from the clipboard as a Block PasteAsBlock
Ctrl + X Copies entities to the clipboard and deletes the entities Cut
Ctrl + Y Reverses the effects of the previous U or UndoN command Redo
Ctrl + Z Reverses the most recent command (Undo) U
Del Removes highlighted entities from a drawing Delete
Shift Enforces Ortho Mode Ortho


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Keyboard Shortcut Description Related Commands
cmd + 0 Maximizes the drawing area or returns to generic display mode FullScreen, HideFullscreen
cmd + 1 Turns the Properties Palette on and off Properties, HideProperties
cmd + 2 Turns the Design Resources Palette on and off DesignResources, HideDesignResources
cmd + 9 Turns the Command Window on and off CommandWindow, HideCommandWindow
cmd + a Selects all non-frozen entities in the current Viewport SelectAll
cmd + b Toggles snap mode during command execution Snap
cmd + c Copies entities to the clipboard ClipboardCopy
cmd + shift + c Copies entities with a specified reference point to the clipboard Copy@
cmd + f Finds and replaces Text in Notes, Annotations, and Dimension Text Find
cmd + g Toggles grid display during command execution Grid
cmd + i Toggles coordinate display during command execution Coordinates
cmd + k Attaches a hyperlink to entities or modifies an existing hyperlink Hyperlink
cmd + l Toggles ortho mode during command execution Ortho
cmd + n Creates a new drawing file New
cmd + o Opens an existing drawing file Open
cmd + p Plots the drawing to a plotter, printer, or file Print
cmd + q Exits the software Exit
cmd + r Cycles through Tiled Views without clicking
cmd + s Saves the drawing under the current file name or a specified name Save
cmd + shift + s Saves an unnamed drawing with a file name or renames the current drawing SaveAs
cmd + v Inserts data from the clipboard Paste
cmd + shift + v Inserts entities from the clipboard as a Block PasteAsBlock
cmd + x Copies entities to the clipboard and deletes the entities Cut
cmd + y Reverses the effects of the previous U or UndoN command Redo
cmd + z Reverses the most recent command (Undo) U
fn + backspace Removes highlighted entities from a drawing Delete
shift Enforces Ortho Mode Ortho


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  You can customize keyboard shortcuts and temporarily override the shortcuts through the Customize command's Keyboard tab.

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