Types of Administrative Images

You can use the Administrative Image Option Editor to create several types of images for remote users and for those on your network.

Administrative Image Type Description

This image is the default for all new administrative images.

It is a standard Windows Installer Administrative image ideal for users who have reliable access to the company network. It stores all the files required to install the selected SOLIDWORKS products in a shared image folder.

When users upgrade to a new service pack, they can download and apply patch files and do not need to download the entire image.

Remote Client

This image is designed for remote users who do not have reliable access to the company network.

When installing this type of image, remote users inherit all the installation options you specify, such as the serial number and the products to install.

Users download the required files over the internet from the SOLIDWORKS Downloads Page. Accessing and installing these files from the internet is more reliable than downloading them from the company network and may reduce the load on the networks.

Remote users install this image using the same techniques supported by the standard administrative image. You can still script installations using the sldim.exe and startwinstall.exe files.

Installation files download to a path specified in the Administrative Image Option Editor before they install. Users must access the administrative image folder to start the installation and run any batch or settings files hosted there.

Remote users must have enough available disk space to store all the files in the image, although users can delete the image after the installation completes.

The compressed administrative image is for organizations that need to copy administrative images to multiple sites or client machines and want to minimize the impact on the network.

This image is 60% smaller than a standard administrative image, but it installs in the same amount of time. It supports all install operations, such as modify and repair.

Compressed administrative images also have short file paths. This avoids problems when images are stored in deep folder structures.

When users upgrade to a new service pack, they must download the entire image, not only patches.