Configuring Microsoft SQL Server

Ensure that that an instance of the SQL Server database is available for any type of SOLIDWORKS Electrical installation. You can use an existing SQL Server database if it is already installed on the system, or install a new instance as part of the SOLIDWORKS Electrical installation.

When you install a new instance of SQL Server, SOLIDWORKS installation provides a free version of Microsoft SQL Express 2022. This version is limited to 1 CPU, 1 GB of memory, and 10 GB of data. The memory and CPU limitations are sufficient to support 10 concurrent users.

If you install SQL Express 2022, ensure that the server software and hardware meet the requirements listed in System Requirements.

As a best practice, if there are more than 10 concurrent users on the same server, you should purchase and install a full version of SQL Server. Use the workflow described for installing SOLIDWORKS Electrical with an existing instance of SQL Server.

For information about the SQL Express 2022, consult the Microsoft SQL Server documentation.

Managing Data in SOLIDWORKS Electrical

Many programs use a single database which contains all the program data. This is not the case with SOLIDWORKS Electrical. Each project in SOLIDWORKS Electrical is assigned a unique ID number, and every project has a related database that can be identified based on its unique ID number. For example, in the SOLIDWORKS Electrical Project Manager, if you find a project with ID#112, then the associated database is named “tew_project_data_112.”

The reason for having a unique database for each project is that it significantly reduces process time. Also, in the case of a critical database failure, only one project is affected, retaining the integrity of the majority of the program information.

However, some companies have policies that restrict the creation of new databases. To run SOLIDWORKS Electrical, there can be no restrictions on creating new databases by users. Check with the system or database administrator to ensure that no configuration settings prevent users from creating new databases.

New Instances of SQL Server

If you install a new instance of SQL Server, you need full administrative rights to the server, and also to any client systems. You must also ensure that clients have read/write privileges for the database, so they can create and modify projects, libraries, symbols and other project data.

When you install a new instance of SQL Server, select a name other than the default.

Existing Instances of SQL Server

You need a user account that has full administrative rights to the SQL Server database to install new SOLIDWORKS Electrical databases or to connect to a SOLIDWORKS Electrical installation on an existing instance of SQL Server.

For SOLIDWORKS Electrical to function properly, you must enable SQL Server for mixed mode authentication. Mixed mode authentication allows the use of either Windows or SQL Server credentials.

To connect to an existing SQL Server database, you can use Windows or SQL Server authentication. Enter a user name and password for a Windows or SQL Server login that has full SQL Server administrative rights.

You cannot use the ‘tew’ user to connect to SQL Server for installation. Contact your SQL Server administrator or system administrator for help to obtain a login with the proper credentials for SQL Server.

SOLIDWORKS Electrical Databases

After you install SOLIDWORKS Electrical, the installation program creates the following databases in the SQL Server instance.