Listing of PDM Server Components

This table summarizes the server components of the SOLIDWORKS PDM Server.

Server Function Installation
Microsoft SQL Server Express for PDM Standard Manages data in SOLIDWORKS PDM data vaults. Can install with PDM Standard, or use a version previously licensed and installed.
Microsoft SQL Server for PDM Professional Manages data in SOLIDWORKS PDM data vaults. Required. You can also use a version previously licensed and installed.
SolidNetWork License Manager Client Manages SOLIDWORKS PDM licenses.

Must be installed before new vaults can be created.

Can be installed with SOLIDWORKS PDM server components when using the SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager.

Archive Server Manages transfers of files between clients and the file vault archive, and manages users and their credentials. Required. Install with PDM Standard or Professional.
Database Server Polls PDM databases for updates, manages data import and export rules, manages the message system, and schedules replication and cold storage. Required. Install with PDM Standard or Professional.
Web2 Server Provides access to file vaults over the internet from browser-based clients. Optional. Install with PDM Professional only.
Web API Server EXALEAD OnePart users can use a Web API server to index and retrieve SOLIDWORKS PDM data. Optional. Install with PDM Professional only.

Archive servers run as services on the system account of the computers where they are installed. One archive server can host multiple file vaults on the same computer.

In a stand-alone installation, the archive server, database server, license server, and web API server, as well as the SQL Express or SQL Server database, can all be installed on the same machine.

In a distributed environment, the server components can reside on different machines. SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional also supports replication of file vault archives and the SQL server database to improve performance at remote locations. For more details, see the SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Replication Guide.