Upgrading an Administrative Image

To upgrade an administrative image, SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager creates a new image directory. You then direct clients to use the new administrative image directory to upgrade to that product version.

This process assumes you have downloaded any updated installation files for the administrative image. For details, see Downloading Updated Installation Files for Administrative Images.

  1. Start SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager.
  2. On the Welcome screen, select Administrative image.
    Administrative image creation options appear.
    Option Description
    Create a new image using default settings. Create the image using the default configuration settings (that is, not based on the settings established for an existing administrative image at your site.)
    Create a new image using settings and files from an existing image. Create the image using configuration settings specified for an existing administrative image at your site. Click Browse to specify the installation directory for the existing administrative image.
  3. On the Serial Number screen, check the serial number.
  4. On the Summary (Ready to Create Image) screen, check that the administrative image options are correct.
    For details about individual administrative image and installation options, click CHANGE to go to the option page and then click Help.
  5. To create the new version of the administrative image, click Create Now.

You can now upgrade clients to this new version of the administrative image. For details, see Upgrading Clients from Administrative Images.