Building Models for the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

In CircuitWorks Connected, you can use the Build Model tool to build and save board models and components to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

CircuitWorks Connected builds the board model and corresponding components regardless of whether you already built the board model and components.

Scenario After CircuitWorks builds the model
First time building the model CircuitWorks saves the board and its components to the local cache.

Choose options:

  • Save to 3DEXPERIENCE. Saves all models to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
  • Don't Save. Closes the dialog box. You can save the models to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform later on in the SOLIDWORKS software.
Board model may or may not be in the local cache but exists in the local CircuitWorks database Choose options:
  • Overwrite. Creates a new board model and saves it to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
  • Use Existing. Downloads the board model from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and uses it in the SOLIDWORKS assembly.
  • Cancel. Cancels the build model operation.
Board model's components exist in the local CircuitWorks database Choose options for the components:
  • Yes. Uses the existing model.
  • Yes to All. Uses the existing models for all components in the board model.
  • No. Builds a new model.
  • No to All. Builds new models for all components in the board model.
Board model is in the local CircuitWorks database and already on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform but not in the local cache Choose options:
  • Overwrite. Creates a new board model and saves it to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
  • Use Existing. Downloads the board model from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and uses it in the SOLIDWORKS assembly.
  • Cancel. Cancels the build model operation.

After the build model process finishes, you can specify an option to save the board model and its components to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform automatically. In CircuitWorks, click Options > SOLIDWORKS Import and select Automatically Save to 3DEXPERIENCE after Build Model is complete.

If you decide not to save the board model right after building the board in CircuitWorks, you can save it later when in the SOLIDWORKS software. In SOLIDWORKS, click Save to 3DEXPERIENCE (CircuitWorks toolbar) or Tools > CircuitWorks > Save to 3DEXPERIENCE.