Opening an ECAD File from CircuitWorks

You can open an ECAD file from CircuitWorks.

You can also open an ECAD file from SOLIDWORKS.

To open an ECAD file from CircuitWorks:

  1. Click Open (Quick Access toolbar) or Open from the CircuitWorks application menu .
    Quickly open a recently visited file by clicking under Recent Documents in the application menu.
  2. From the Open ECAD File dialog box, select the ECAD file.
    Use Files of type to display only files of specific ECAD file formats, such as IDF 4 File (*.idf) for IDF 4.0 files.
  3. Click Open.
    CircuitWorks analyzes the file. If there are no issues, CircuitWorks opens the file and updates the tree view and preview image. If there are warnings or errors, CircuitWorks displays a dialog box. Click OK to ignore the warnings.