Setting Up Administrator Rights

You can set up the administrator rights or user rights for CircuitWorks options. You can enable or disable the rights of other users to edit files by providing access to folders for a fully editable or read-only mode.

To set up administrator rights:

  1. In SOLIDWORKS, click CircuitWorks Options (CircuitWorks toolbar) or Tools > CircuitWorks > CircuitWorks Options.
  2. In CircuitWorks Options, in the General tab, do one of the following:
    • Under Specify Admin file to set CircuitWorks options, click to specify the XML file.
    • Under CircuitWorks Setup Wizard, click Show Wizard and do the following:
      1. In CircuitWorks Setup Wizard, navigate to Set Library Location pane, for Select Admin XML File.
      2. Click Browse to specify the location.
  3. In the Browse For Folder dialog box:
    1. Navigate to the file specified in step 3.
    2. Right-click the file and click Share with > Specific people to provide Read or Read/Write access.