Interaction Options

Interaction conditions control how components interact with each other during simulations. For example, in an assembly document, certain components can be bonded to each other and other components might come into contact under loading.

Interaction definitions are available for assembly and multibody part documents. You can apply interactions to these simulation studies:
  • Static
  • Frequency
  • Buckling
  • Thermal
  • Nonlinear
  • Dynamic
  • Drop test

The interaction conditions that you apply in a study must simulate the actual behavior of the components for a successful simulation.

You specify the type of interactions between components at three levels:

Global Interaction

Defines the conditions that apply to all components in the active document. Specify the default global interaction conditions in the Simulation Options > Default Options > Interaction dialog box.

Component Interaction

Defines the conditions that apply to selected components in the Component Interaction PropertyManager.

Local Interaction

Defines the conditions that apply to selected sets of geometric entities in the Local Interactions PropertyManager.

In a Simulation study tree, the Connections folder lists all interaction definitions under the Contact Sets and Component Contacts folders.
  • Local interactions settings override component-level interactions, while component-level interactions override global-level interactions.
  • The default global-level conditions apply to components without any defined local or component-level interactions.
  • Any change in interaction conditions requires remeshing of the model.