- Tracing the Motion of a Point in an Assembly
You can trace the path of motion of a point in an assembly.
- Plotting the Part Center of Mass Position in an Assembly
You can plot the position of a the center of mass of a part in an assembly in motion.
- Plotting the Linear Displacement, Velocity, or Acceleration of a Part
You can plot the linear displacement, velocity, or acceleration of a moving part as it moves relative to another part or relative to the assembly origin.
- Plotting the Angular Displacement, Velocity, or Acceleration of a Part
You can plot the angular displacement, velocity, or acceleration of a part as it moves relative to another part or relative to the assembly origin.
- Selecting Alternate Coordinate Systems for Result X, Y, or Z Component Values
By default, when you specify the result resolved values as X Component, Y Component, or Z Component, the ground coordinate system defines the component directions. You can select a component in the assembly to define an alternate coordinate system.
- Initial Velocity PropertyManager (Motion Analysis)
You can set the initial values for linear and angular velocity.