Including Motion Results in Sensors

To create a motion data sensor to track a motion study result from a Motion Analysis type study, do one of the following:

  • Define the sensor by creating a result first:
    1. Click Results and Plots (MotionManager toolbar).
    2. Specify the result details.
    3. Select Create new motion data sensor.
    4. Specify the other sensor properties and click PM_OK.gif.
  • Define a new sensor to reference an existing result:
    1. From the FeatureManager design tree, right-click Sensors FM_sensors_folder.gif and click Add Sensor.
    2. For Sensor Type sensor_type.gif, select Motion Data.
    3. For Motion Study , select a motion study.
    4. For Motion Study Result , select a result defined in the selected motion study.
    5. Specify the other sensor properties and click PM_OK.gif.