Maintaining Library Files

Follow these guidelines to maintain library files.
  • Keep files in the Routing Library folder. Do not store them in other folders. The Routing application looks for files in this folder. It also makes it easier for you to move files to another location, such as a network location. To view or change the location of the Routing Library folder, click Options > Routing > Routing File Locations > Launch Routing Library Manager.
  • To avoid errors caused by multiple files with the same name, rename any files that you copy. If you do not see temporary graphics after dragging a part from the Design Library, or you get a warning message, it is likely that you have a file with the same name in two different locations. You will need to resolve this issue.
  • Two library data files are required for electrical design, in addition to the component models:
    Cable wire library Specifies an .xml file that defines the attributes of cables and wires. It provides the bend radius and outer diameter of wires and cables, which are needed to display wires correctly, calculate bundle diameters, and perform bend radius checks. Approximate values can be used if exact values are not available.
    Component library Specifies an .xml file that cross-references the components in the from-to list to the SOLIDWORKS part documents for those components.
  • If part numbers are assigned to wires and cables during the schematic design process, then the cable wire library should have an entry for each part number used and the corresponding data, so that the software can use it.
  • Store all electrical connectors in the folder that contains the component library file. The default location is C:\ProgramData\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS version\design library\routing\electrical.

    The names of library parts are determined by the location of both the library folder and the routing folder. To change the location of your library, move or copy the complete folder, and then define the new location in the Routing File Locations dialog box.

Example: Routing Library Path

If a pipe part file is located at <installed_location>\design library\routing\piping\pipes\pipe.sldprt and the Routing Library path is <install_dir>\design library\routing, then when you create a pipe, the short extension to the path, piping\pipes\pipe.sldprt, appears in the Route Properties PropertyManager.

Later, if you edit the route properties, the software tries to find pipe.sldprt at <Routing Library path> + <short extension>.

If you change the Routing Library path to, for example, <installed_location>\design library, (eliminating the \routing level), then <Routing Library path> + <short extension> no longer describes the correct path to pipe.sldprt, and the software cannot find the part.

It is important that all users who edit a particular route specify the same Routing Library path. Do not change this path after creating the route.