Routing Templates

After adding SOLIDWORKS Routing, the first time you create an assembly document the software creates a routing template.

This template includes settings from the standard assembly template, and also parameters used for routing.

The new routing template, routeAssembly.asmdot, is located in the default template folder, for example C:\ProgramData\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS version\templates.

You can create and save custom routing templates. These custom templates can be selected when you begin a new assembly. You can also make one of the custom routing templates the default template for new route assemblies. Custom routing templates can specify different drafting standards, dimensions, units, and other properties.

Creating a Custom Routing Template

  1. Open the routing template that was created automatically.
  2. Make your changes. (For example, set different units.)
  3. Click File, Save As, and save the document with a new name. You must use .asmdot for the file extension.

Making a Custom Routing Template the Default

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click Routing > Routing Tools > Routing Library Manager, and click Routing File Locations and Settings.
    • From the Windows Start menu, click SOLIDWORKS Tools version > SOLIDWORKS version Routing Library Manager > Routing File Locations and Settings.
  2. In the General Routing section, select the custom routing template, then click OK.