Electrical Toolbar

Start by From/To Start an electrical route by importing a From-To List.
Start by Drag/Drop Start an electrical route by drag/drop of a connector.
Start at Point Start an electrical route by adding a connection point to a nonrouting component.
Standard Cables Inserts a standard cable into an assembly.
Re-Import From/To Reimport a From-To List when items in the list change.
Insert Connectors Insert multiple instances of an electrical connector into an existing route.
Add Point Add a connection point to a nonrouting component so you can add the component to an existing route.
Add Bends Add bends to a 3 route junction.
Add Splice Add splices to an electrical route.
Auto Route Automatically creates route geometry between components.
Edit Wires Add or edit wire information in an electrical route.
Edit Route Edit an existing route.
Route Properties Display route properties for an existing electrical route.
Edit Flattened Route Edits flattened routes
Flatten Route Prepare the route for a flattened drawing.
Reuse Route Reuse an existing route.
Create Connector Block Create connector blocks for parts and assembly connector.