Decals PropertyManager

To open the Decals PropertyManager, do one of the following:
  • In the Task Pane, on the Appearances, Scenes and Decals tab, expand Decals and drag a decal onto the model.
  • In the DisplayManager, click View Decals . Right-click in the DisplayManager and click Add Decals.
  • Click Edit Decal in the Render Tools toolbar.
  • Right-click an existing decal, click Appearances , and select the decal from the drop-down list

The Decal PropertyManager controls the properties of a decal on these tabs:

Image Decal image and mask files (see below).
Mapping Geometry, Mapping, Size/Orientation, Rendering.
Illumination Decal's response to illumination.

Decal Preview

The decal is displayed in the window.

Image file path The image file path is displayed. Click Browse to choose another path and file.
  Save Decal Click to save the current decal and its properties to file.

Mask Image

Choose one for the type of mask image:

No mask  
Image mask file The decal is displayed where the mask is white and blocked where the mask is black.

Invert mask

The regions of the decal previously masked are displayed, and vice versa.

Mask file path

The mask file path is displayed. Click Browse to choose another path and file.

Example of Decal Mask
Selective color mask The decal is the selected decal minus colors that you choose to exclude.

Pick color

In the decal preview, use the pointer to select colors to exclude.

Remove Color

Click to restore previously excluded color(s).