Detail View PropertyManager

To open the Detail View PropertyManager, do one of the following:

  • Create a new Detail View in a drawing.
  • Select an existing Detail View or detail circle.

Detail Circle

Style Select a display style, then select either Circle or Profile. Per Standard means that the style of the detail circle is determined by the current drafting standard.
Label Edit the letter associated with the detail circle and detail view. To specify the label format, click Tools > Options > Document Properties > Views > Detail.
  Font To choose a font for the detail circle label other than the document's font, clear Document font and click Font.

Detail View

No outline

Select to remove outline of profile used to create detail view.

Selected Cleared
Full outline
Selected Cleared
Jagged outline

Select to include a jagged outline of the detail view.

Move the slider to adjust Shape Intensity.

Pin position Select to keep the detail view in the same relative position on the drawing sheet if you change the scale of the view. If the geometry changes size, the detail circle moves if you relate the center of the detail circle to a feature in the model. Scale hatch pattern.
Scale hatch pattern Select to display the hatch pattern based on the scale of the detail view rather than the scale of the section view. This option applies to detail views created from section views.


Annotation view(s) Select an annotation view (if the model was created with annotation views) so the detail view will include annotations from the parent view.

Display State

For assemblies only. Select a display state of the assembly to place in the drawing.

The hide/show display state is supported by all display styles. Other display states (display mode , color , etc.) are supported by Shaded with Edges and Shaded modes only.

Display Style

Use parent style Clear to select style and quality settings different from those of the parent view.


Select a scale for the drawing view.

You can also double-click the note text and edit the scale values to change the detail view scale.

Dimension Type

Select Projected or True dimensions.

Cosmetic Thread Display

The following settings override the Cosmetic thread display option in Tools > Options > Document Properties > Detailing, if there are cosmetic threads in the drawing view.

High quality Displays precise line fonts and trimming in cosmetic threads. If a cosmetic thread is only partially visible, High quality shows only the visible portion (it shows precisely what is visible and what is invisible.)
System performance is slower with High quality cosmetic threads. It is recommended that you clear this option until you finish placing all annotations.
Draft quality Displays cosmetic threads with less detail. If a cosmetic thread is only partially visible, Draft quality shows the entire feature.

Automatic View Update

Exclude from automatic update Excludes the selected drawing views from automatic updates that occur if the drawing is open, Automatic view update is selected, and you save changes to the model.

More Properties

After you create a view or select an existing view, click More Properties to open the Drawing View Properties dialog box where you can change configuration information, show hidden edges, and so on.