Grid System PropertyManager

You can use the Grid System tool to lay out a grid system for large structures.

To display this PropertyManager:

With a part or assembly open, click Grid System (Features toolbar). Create a sketch, then close the sketch in the Confirmation Corner.

Level Parameters

pattern_linear_count.png Number of levels Sets the number of levels (floors) in the structure.
dim_lin_d.png Default height Sets the distance between each level.
  Height Overrides the Default height between individual levels.
  3DSketch Split Lines Splits the 3D sketch lines at each level in the structure. When cleared, the 3D sketch lines are continuous among the levels. It is helpful to keep the 3D sketch continuous if you create weldment structures.
Selected (split) Cleared (continuous)
  Autonumber Balloons Updates the balloon values if you change the base sketch.