Document Properties - Line Style

You can create custom line styles and apply them to edges. Available for drawings only.

You can use line styles in multiple drawings by saving and loading a *.sldlin file. Line length and spacing values are at a ratio of 5:1 in drawings.

To create, save, load, or delete line styles:

  1. Click Options (Standard toolbar) or Tools > Options.
  2. Execute procedures as described below, then click OK.
    Option Description
    To create a line style:
    1. In Line styles, select the closest matching style to the style that you want to create.
    2. Click New.
    3. Type a Name for the line, then press Enter.
      Line style file names have the extension .sldlin.
      Line style names are not case-sensitive.
    4. Under Line length and spacing values, clear the default text.
    5. Enter the line definition based on the Formatting Key in the dialog box.
      The line style units are based on the units specified for the document.
    6. Click OK.
    To save a line style:
    1. Click Save.
    2. Select line styles and set options in the Save Line Style(s) dialog box, then click OK.
    To load a line style:
    You can load saved line styles to use in other drawings.
    1. Click Load.
    2. Browse to a line style file and set options in the Load Line Style(s) dialog box, then click OK.
    To delete a line style:
    1. Select an item in Line styles.
    2. Click Delete and click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Load Line Styles

You can load line styles from a file.

File Displays a list of files that contain line styles. Browse to a line style file, *.sldlin.
Name and Appearance Lists the line styles available in the selected file. Select an item and click OK to load the line style.

Save Line Styles

You can save a line style to a file.

File Select a file from the list or browse to a line style file, *.sldlin.
Save to the default user line style file Saves the line style to the folder specified in Tools > Options > System Options > File Locations. If no folder is specified, the file is saved in the current folder.
Name and Appearance Lists the line styles available to save. Select an item (or multiple items) and click OK to save the line style.