Sensor PropertyManager

You can set up sensors to monitor selected properties of parts and assemblies and alert you when values deviate from the limits you specify.

To create a sensor:

Right-click the Sensors folder in the FeatureManager design tree, select Add Sensor, and specify parameters in the PropertyManager.

Sensor Type

Simulation Data Defines locations for measuring result quantities in simulations. For more information about using sensors in simulations, see SOLIDWORKS Simulation Help: Simulation Data Sensors.
Mass Properties Monitors properties such as Mass, Volume, and Surface Area.
Dimension Monitors dimensions you select.
Measurement Monitors measurements you specify with the Measure tool.
Interference Detection Monitors the assembly for interferences between components you select.

Available in assemblies only.

Proximity Monitors the assembly for interferences between a line you define and components you select.

Available in assemblies only.

Motion Data Defines the sensor from a motion study result:
  • References an existing motion study result, when you select a plot from the list.
  • Creates a new plot to reference, when you select New Motion Plot from the list, and then click Continue.

Available only with the SOLIDWORKS Motion add-in.

You can create Motion Data sensors only if you have a motion analysis type study associated with your model.
Motion Study For Motion Data sensors, specifies the Motion Analysis type study where the referenced result is defined.
Motion Study Result For Motion Data sensors, specifies the referenced result, or permits creation of a new result when you select New Motion Plot from the list, and then click Continue.
Costing Data Monitors Costing data including Total Cost, Material Cost, or Manufacturing Cost defined in Data Quantity.
Sheet Metal Bounding Box Properties Monitors the smallest rectangle in which the flat pattern can fit.

In multibody parts, you can create sensors for individual bodies.


Properties vary depending on the sensor type.

For Mass Properties sensors:
Mass Properties Select a mass properties type:
  • Mass
  • Volume
  • Surface Area
  • Center of Mass X
  • Center of Mass Y
  • Center of Mass Z
Entities to Monitor Lists the entities you want to monitor, which you select in the graphics area. Entities can include parts, solid bodies, assemblies, or components.
  Value Lists the current value of the property.
For Dimension sensors:
Dimension to Monitor Lists the entities you want to monitor, which you select in the graphics area.
  Value Lists the current value of the dimension.
For Measurement sensors:
  Edit Measurement Opens the Measure dialog box where you can measure an entity to apply a sensor.
For Interference Detection sensors:
Components to Check Lists the entities you want to monitor, which you select in the graphics area. Entities can include components or the entire assembly.
  Value Indicates whether or not interferences are detected between the selected entities.
  Treat coincidence as interference Reports coincident entities as interferences.
  Show ignored interferences When selected, shows ignored interferences in gray under Results in the Interference Detection PropertyManager. When this option is cleared, ignored interferences are not listed.
  Treat subassemblies as components When selected, subassemblies are treated as single components, so interferences between a subassembly's components are not reported.
  Include multibody part interferences Reports interferences between bodies within multibody parts.
  Create fasteners folder Segregates interferences between fasteners (such as a nut and bolt) into a separate folder under Results in the Interference Detection PropertyManager.
For Proximity sensors:
  Value Indicates whether or not interferences are detected between the line you define and components you select.
Proximity sensor location Defines the origin of the sensing line. Select a vertex, sketch point, edge (center of edge), or face (center of face).
Proximity sensor direction Defines the direction of the sensing line. Select a straight edge, circular edge, sketch line, planar face, or cylindrical face. If the resulting sensing line extends in the wrong direction, click Reverse direction.
Components to track Lists the entities you want to monitor. Select one or more assembly or subassembly components.
Proximity sensor range Defines the length of the sensing line.

For Motion Data sensors:

Units Indicates the units used to calculate the result values.
To specify units for motion calculations, click Unit System > Edit Document Units (Status bar).

Model Max

The maximum value of the result defines the sensor.

Model Min

The minimum value of the result defines the sensor.

Model Average

The average value of the result defines the sensor.


The root mean square value of the result defines the sensor.

Value at a Specific Time

The result value calculated at the time you enter defines the sensor.

For Costing Data sensors:

Select the result quantity and component to track with a sensor.

Costing Data Select a costing data type:
  • Total Cost
  • Material Cost
  • Manufacturing Cost

For Sheet Metal Bounding Box Properties sensors:

Sheet metal bounding box sensors depend on up-to-date cut list properties. In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click Cut list and select Create Cut Lists Automatically and Update Automatically to generate automatic alerts.

Properties Select a property:
  • Sheet Metal Bounding Box Length. Specifies the longest side of the bounding box.

    For multibody parts, this is the sum of the bounding box length for all bodies in the part.

    For assemblies, this is the sum of the bounding box length for all parts in the assembly.

  • Sheet Metal Bounding Box Width. Specifies the shortest side of the bounding box.

    For multibody parts, this is the sum of the bounding box width for all bodies in the part.

    For assemblies, this is the sum of the bounding box width for all parts in the assembly.

  • Sheet Metal Bounding Box Area. Sheet Metal Bounding Box Length x Sheet Metal Bounding Box Width.

    For multibody parts, this is the sum of the bounding box area for all bodies in the part.

    For assemblies, this is the sum of the bounding box area for all parts in the assembly.

  • Sheet Metal Bounding Box Area Blank. Specifies the area of the flat pattern excluding through cut-outs.

    For multibody parts, this is the sum of the bounding box area blank for all bodies in the part.

    For assemblies, this is the sum of the bounding box area for all parts in the assembly.

Sheet Metal Bodies to Monitor Specifies the individual body or bodies to which the sensor applies.


Alerts notify you immediately when the sensor value deviates from the limits you specify. When a sensor triggers an alert, the sensor is flagged in the FeatureManager design tree. Select Alert and set an operator and limits.

For sensors with numeric values, specify an operator and one or two numeric values. Operators include:
  • is greater than
  • is less than
  • is exactly
  • is not greater than
  • is not less than
  • is not exactly
  • is between
  • is not between
For Interference Detection sensors, specify:
is true Triggers an alert when interference is detected.
is false Triggers an alert when no interference is detected.