Fillet Surface You can use a fillet to smooth the edge between two adjacent faces in a surface body that meet at an angle. To access the PropertyManager, click Fillet (Features toolbar) or Insert > Surface > Fillet/Round Insert > Surface > Fillet/Round Select a Partial preview, a Full preview, or No preview in the Fillet PropertyManager. You can preview all fillet types. Constant radius surface fillet with Full preview Constant radius surface fillet applied Multiple radius surface fillet with Partial preview Multiple radius surface fillet applied Surface filleting works the same as filleting solid bodies with a few exceptions. You can do the following:Fillet the edges of a surface body. Make multiple radius surface fillets. Make fillets between two surfaces, or face fillets. See Creating Surface Face Fillets. Add setback parameters to the surface fillets. Make surface fillets with hold lines. Trim or keep the filleted surfaces in a face fillet. Make a variable radius fillet on a surface. No fillet applied to revolved surface Variable radius fillets applied to revolved surface Click Reverse Face Normal for a face set to reverse the fillet direction. You cannot do the following:Preserve a cut in a surface body with the Keep features option. The Keep Features option in surface filleting works differently than it does in solid filleting. In a solid part, if you have a boss or cut feature in the area of a fillet, you can preserve the features when filleting. In a surface body, you can preserve a boss, but not a cut. Select a surface to fillet by feature from the FeatureManager design tree. Parent topicSurface Controls Fillets