You can use Mirror to create a
copy of one or more features, mirrored about a face or a plane.
You can mirror features
about a secondary face or plane at the same time.
In parts, you can mirror faces, features, and bodies. In assemblies, you can mirror assembly features.
If you modify the original feature (seed feature), the mirrored copy is updated to reflect the changes.
Mirroring Bodies in a Part
You can mirror a body in a single body part or multibody
Example of Multibody Part with Mirror |


Select the body to
mirror |
Body mirrored |
Mirroring Features in Multibody Parts
In multibody parts, you can mirror features from one body onto one or more other
bodies by selecting
Geometry Pattern and using
Feature Scope to choose which bodies should include the
You must create the body to which you want to add
the features prior to mirroring those
Example of
Feature Scope Mirror Pattern |


Plane used to mirror a pattern
feature |
Pattern feature mirrored on
body |
Mirroring Sheet Metal Features
You can mirror these individual sheet metal features:
- Base-flange/tabs
Closed corners
Edge flanges
Mitered flanges