Blocks Contents Blocks Toolbar Blocks in Parts and Assemblies You create blocks from single or multiple sketch entities. Working with Blocks PropertyManagers The Block tool you select generates the content for each PropertyManager associated with blocks. Making Blocks You can make a block from any single or combination of multiple sketch entities. Inserting Blocks Insert blocks, adding additional instances of existing blocks, or browse to and insert previously saved blocks. Insert Block PropertyManager Editing Blocks When you edit a block, you can add, remove, or modify sketch entities, as well as change existing relations and dimensions. Adding and Removing Sketch Entities in Blocks You can add or remove sketch entities. When you remove sketch entities from a block, those sketch entities are promoted from the block level to the immediate next level. Add a block reverses the process. Hiding and Showing Individual Blocks In the FeatureManager® design tree, you can hide and show individual blocks in sketches. Exploding Blocks You can dissolve blocks from any sketch entity by exploding the block. Rebuilding Blocks Rebuild Block enables you to refresh sketch entities without exiting the Edit Sketch mode. Using Traction and Belts for Layout Sketches Video: Belt Chain Mechanism Saving Blocks Saving each block individually provides extensive design flexibility. Saving Sketches as Blocks You can save a sketch as a block file or as a block in the Design Library. Making Nested Blocks Nested blocks are blocks within blocks that include the same capabilities as regular blocks. Applying Color to Blocks Setting Insertion Points When you make a block, you have the option to specify an insertion point. Block PropertyManager Parent topicSketching