Selection Sets

You can add selected items in a model and save the selections as a selection set.

In assemblies, only the selection sets for the assembly show when you click Save Selection. In parts, only the selection sets for the part show. To view selection sets, in the FeatureManager design tree, expand Selection Sets .

Automatic display of the Selection Sets folder is enabled in Tools > Options > System Options > FeatureManager under Hide/show tree items.

You can drag a selected item from the FeatureManager design tree or from a selection set to another selection set. You cannot drag items from an assembly selection set to a part selection set.

Creating or Adding to Selection Sets

To create or add to selection sets:

  1. Open a model and select multiple items in the FeatureManager design tree or graphics area.
    In group boxes of PropertyManagers, you can select entities, right-click, and save them to selection sets.

  2. Right-click the selections and click Save Selection.
    • To add an item to a new set, click New Selection Set .
    • To add an item to an existing set, click Selection-Set#(##) where # indicates the order of creation and ## indicates the number of items in the set.

      A check next to a selection set indicates that the selected item is a member of the selection set.

    • You can add comments to selection sets and they appear in the Comments folder in the FeatureManager® design tree.

  3. In the FeatureManager design tree, expand Selection Sets to show the selection set.

Updating Entities in a Selection Set

To update entities in a Selection Set:

  1. In the FeatureManager design tree, select a selection set under Selection Sets .
  2. In the FeatureManager design tree or in the graphics area, CTRL + select or clear highlighted items.
  3. Continue to press CTRL and right-click the selected items, and click Update Selection Set.
    Selected items are added to the selection set.

Removing Selections and Selection Sets

You can remove individual selections from selection sets or remove an entire selection set from the Selection Sets folder.

To remove selections from selection sets:

  1. In the FeatureManager design tree, expand Selection Sets and the selection set you want to modify.
  2. Right-click the selection to remove and click Remove from Selection Set.

To remove selection sets from the Selection Sets folder:

  1. Expand Selection Sets .
  2. Right-click the selection set and click Remove Selection Set.