Chamfer PropertyManager

Chamfer Type

Angle Distance Sets the Distance and Angle in the Chamfer PropertyManager or in the graphics area. A handle appears that points in the direction in which the distance is measured. Select the handle to flip the direction, or click Flip direction.

Distance Distance Select edges or faces of solids. Under Chamfer Parameters, select a Chamfer Method to enter Asymmetric values for both distances on either side of the selected chamfer edges, or Symmetric to specify a single value.

Vertex Enter values for the three distances on each side of the selected vertex, or click Equal Distance and specify a single value.

Offset Face Offset face chamfers are solved by offsetting the faces next to selected edges. The software calculates the intersection point of the offset faces, then calculates the normal from that point to each face to create the chamfer.
This method yields predictable results when chamfering between nonplanar faces. Offset face chamfers can change direction on an edge-by-edge basis, and they support chamfering entire features and surface geometry.
Calculation of chamfer offset
Chamfer applied
Face Face Blends nonadjacent, noncontinuous faces. Face face chamfers can create symmetric, asymmetric, hold line, and chord width chamfers.
Face Set 1 and Face Set 2 selected
Face face chamfer app

Items to Chamfer

Options vary depending on the Chamfer Type. Select the appropriate items to chamfer.

Edges, Faces, and Loops

Edges, Faces, Features, and Loops

Vertex to chamfer  
Edges to chamfer  
Face Set 1 and Face Set 2  
  Show selection toolbar (Available for Angle Distance, Distance Distance, and Offset Face chamfer types) Shows/hides selection accelerator toolbars.
  Tangent propagation Extends the chamfer to faces or edges that are tangent to the selected entity.
  Select a preview mode Select Full preview, Partial preview, or No preview.

Repair Missing References

When you edit chamfer features that have errors, all missing references display at the top of the Items to Chamfer box in the PropertyManager.

Chamfer Parameters

Options vary depending on the Chamfer Type. Set the appropriate parameters.

  Flip direction  
  Chamfer Method Select one of the following:



Chord width

Creates a face face chamfer at the chord distance you set for Width.

Hold line

Sets the boundary for a face face chamfer. With a single hold line, the chamfer is symmetric. You can select multiple hold lines. The hold lines drive the blend between the faces.

Multiple hold lines can create asymmetrical chamfers. Select one or two hold lines to control the shape of the chamfer.

  Equal Distance Applies a single value for the distance from the vertex. Set the Distance .
  Offset Distance  
  Multi Distance Chamfer Available for Offset Face chamfers with Symmetric parameter. Select multiple entities, then edit the Distance callouts to set the values.

Partial Edge Parameters

You can create partial chamfers for offset face chamfers by specifying lengths along model edges.

Start condition Select a start condition, such as None, Offset Distance, Percentage Offset, or Selected Reference.
End condition Select an end condition, such None, Offset Distance, Percentage Offset, or Selected Reference.

Chamfer Options

Select through faces Enables selection of edges through faces that hide the edges.

Keep features Retains features such as cuts or extrudes that would otherwise be removed when you apply the chamfer.
Original part Keep features cleared Keep features checked
Help point Resolves an ambiguous selection when it may not be clear where the face blend should occur. Click in Help Point Vertex, then click a vertex on the side where you want the face face chamfer. A chamfer is created at the location closer to the Help point.