
If you have questions while you use SOLIDWORKS, you can find answers in many different ways.

On the help menu:

Welcome to SOLIDWORKS Links to the What's New book, user groups and communities, instructional resources, and technical support.
Help A compilation of help topics. You can browse the Table of Contents or use Search to find topics of interest.
Tutorials Step-by-step lessons with sample files covering SOLIDWORKS Connected. Also available in the Welcome dialog box, on the Learn tab.
API Help Assistance for the Application Programming Interface.
User Forum Links to the SOLIDWORKS Forum.
Search Searches for information and commands. Searches within SOLIDWORKS and MySolidWorks.
SOLIDWORKS Rx Analyzes your system, suggests possible solutions, and captures data that can help technical support personnel diagnose problems.
Release Notes Displays the latest information about SOLIDWORKS Connected.
What's New A help file or PDF file with information on new functionality at the current SOLIDWORKS software release. Also available in the Welcome dialog box, on the Home tab.
Get Support Opens the SOLIDWORKS support site. If specified by your company, provides company-specific support information.
About SOLIDWORKS Displays version and legal information about the SOLIDWORKS product.

In the SOLIDWORKS user interface:

PropertyManagers and dialog boxes In an active PropertyManager or dialog box, click , or press F1 to open context-sensitive help.
Tooltips Hover the pointer to see information about tools on toolbars and items in PropertyManagers and dialog boxes.
Status Bar A brief description of the current status and activity appears in the Status Bar at the bottom of the SOLIDWORKS window.

Access to Help

When you access help, the documentation opens in a browser.

To access the help:

Do one of the following:
  • Click (Standard toolbar) or click > Help to open the welcome page.
  • Click Help, click , or press F1 in a dialog box or PropertyManager to access context-sensitive help.