Mate Reference PropertyManager

You can add or edit mate references in the Mate Reference PropertyManager.

To open this PropertyManager:

Click Mate Reference (Reference Geometry toolbar) or Insert > Reference Geometry > Mate Reference.

In the FeatureManager design tree, mate references show in the Mate References folder, and in a Mate in assembly folder under the subassembly or component.

Reference Name

Mate Reference Name Specifies the name of the mate reference.
Create mates only when names match Creates mate references only when the mate reference names are the same. The name match applies to primary, secondary, and tertiary reference entities.

You must select this option on both components in the mate reference.

Primary Reference Entity

Primary Reference Entity Specifies the entity to use for potential mates when dragging a component into an assembly.
Mate Reference Type Specifies the mate type.

You can select Lock Rotation for Concentric mates.

Mate Reference Alignment Specifies the alignment condition for the mate reference.
  • Any
  • Aligned
  • Anti-Aligned
  • Closest

Secondary Reference Entity

Secondarary Reference Entity Specifies the entity to use for potential mates.
Mate Reference Type Specifies the mate type.

You can select Lock Rotation for Concentric mates.

Mate Reference Alignment Specifies the alignment condition for the mate reference.
  • Any
  • Aligned
  • Anti-Aligned
  • Closest

Tertiary Reference Entity

Tertiary Reference Entity Specifies the entity to use for potential mates.
Mate Reference Type Specifies the mate type.

You can select Lock Rotation for Concentric mates.

Mate Reference Alignment Specifies the alignment condition for the mate reference.
  • Any
  • Aligned
  • Anti-Aligned
  • Closest

References to Capture

References to Capture Lists mate references.

Available when you edit a component in the context of an assembly and open this PropertyManager.