Creating a Hole Series To create a hole series: Suppress the components in your assembly that you do not want to be cut by the hole. Click Hole Series (Features toolbar) or Insert > Assembly Feature > Hole > Hole Series. The Hole Position PropertyManager appears. Select a location, which appears as a sketch point, on a planar face for the center of the hole series. Set the PropertyManager options for the hole series by selecting tabs.The tabs are always visible and you can select them in any order. Hole Position Create a new hole or use an existing hole. First Part Middle Parts Last Parts Smart Fasteners Insert Smart Fasteners into the hole series. This tab is available only if you install and activate SOLIDWORKS Toolbox. Click . Parent topicHole Series Hole Series Overview Hole Position PropertyManager Hole Series (First Part) PropertyManager Hole Series (Middle Parts) PropertyManager Adding Middle Components to a Hole Series Hole Series (Last Part) PropertyManager Hole Series Smart Fasteners PropertyManager