Dimensioning to Spline Handles Use Smart Dimension (Dimensions/Relations toolbar) to dimension to spline handles. Example of spline handles: You can add dimensions for:Tangent Weighting 1 and Tangent Weighting 2 Tangent Radial Direction Dimensioning to spline handles allows:Setting either value in the graphics area rather than the PropertyManager. Controlling tangent weighting and direction in Design Tables. To dimension to spline handles: In Edit Sketch mode, in the Spline PropertyManager under Parameters, select Tangent driving. Click Smart Dimension (Dimensions/Relations toolbar) or Tools > Dimensions > Smart. Select the spline to display the handles. For Tangent Weighting 1 - Tangent Weighting 2 Select any of the handles on either end, and click to place the dimension. Set the dimension in the Modify box. For Tangent Radial Direction Select any of the handles on either end, the horizontal line, and click to place the dimension. Set the dimension in the Modify box. Parent topicB-splines Creating Multiple Point Splines Creating Two-Point Splines with Tangency Spline PropertyManager Creating 3D Splines