Displaying a Design Table in a Drawing

The design table is displayed in the drawing exactly as it appears in the model document. Therefore, in the part or assembly document, you need to set up the design table so it looks the way you want it to look in the drawing. Then you insert the design table into the drawing.

Setting Up a Design Table for a Drawing

In the part or assembly document, you set up the design table so it looks the way you want it to look in the drawing.

To set up the design table:

  1. In the part or assembly document, edit the design table as needed.
    • Drag the resize handles on the corners and sides of the table to adjust the boundaries of the table. Make sure that all the rows and columns that you want are displayed, and remove any empty rows or columns.
    • Hide any rows (or columns) in the middle of the table that you do not want to display in the drawing. Right-click the numbered cell at the left of the row (or the lettered cell at the top of the column) to select the whole row (or column), and select Hide.
    • Adjust the column width, row height, text alignment, borders, fonts, and so on, as needed to meet your company standards.
  2. If you want to use labels (letters or names) for the dimensions:
    1. Insert a new row above or below the header row (the row containing the full dimension names).
    2. In the new row, type a label for each dimension.
    3. Hide the header row as described in step 1.

Inserting Design Tables into Drawings

After you set up the design table in the part or assembly document, you insert it into the drawing of the part or assembly.

To insert the design table into a drawing:

  1. In a drawing of the part or assembly, select a drawing view.
  2. Click Insert > Tables > Excel Design Table.
    The design table appears, and you can drag it into place on the sheet.

Changing the Size of Design Tables for Drawings

After inserting the design table into the drawing, you can adjust the size of the design table.

To change the size of the design table:

  1. Right-click the table, and select Properties.
  2. In the dialog box, specify a value for Width or Height, or type a Scale value, then click OK.
    To restore the table to its original size, right-click the table, and select Reset Size.

Modifying Design Table Dimensions in Drawing Views

If you are using labels, you need to modify the dimensions in the drawing view to match the labels.

To modify dimensions in the drawing view:

  1. Click a dimension.
  2. In the PropertyManager, under Dimension Text:
    1. Delete <DIM> (the placeholder for displaying the dimension value).
    2. Type the corresponding label from the table.
  3. Click .