Adding Properties

To add properties:

  1. On the Configuration Properties tab, if there are multiple configurations, select a configuration for the property in the left pane.
  2. Click in the first blank cell under Property Name, then enter a name or choose one from the list.
  3. From the list, select a Type.
    To move between cells in the table, press Tab or Enter, or click in the cell you want to move to.
  4. Under Value / Text Expression, enter a value for the property that is compatible with the selection in the Type cell.

    If you add a date (for example, DrawnDate), as a property, the software does not require you to enter a date for Value / Expression. However, if you do not enter a date, Microsoft interprets the empty field as 1/1/1800 when you view the document's properties in File Explorer.

    Use an @ sign in front of single or double quotation marks (‘ or “) to ensure that the expression evaluates correctly. For example: 2@" X 2@" X 1/4@".

    The @ sign also applies when referencing a Property Name that includes a quotation mark. For example, if you have a file property whose name is Length12”, you must add an @ sign in Value/Text Expression for that property.

    If the property applies to more than one configuration, a configuration icon appears in the row.
  5. From the flyout menu of the configuration icon , select one of the following:
    • This Configuration
    • All Configurations
    • Specify Configurations
  6. Press Tab or Enter.
    The value of the property displays under Evaluated Value.
  7. In the Linked column, click the box to link the property to the parent part.
  8. Repeat steps as required, then click OK.