Disabling and Enabling Equations in All Configurations

You can disable and enable equations in the Equation View , Sketch Equation View , or Ordered View in the Equations, Global Variables, and Dimensions dialog box.

The equations are disabled in all configurations. You can enable the equations if no other active equation controls the same parameter.

  1. To disable equations, in Equations, Global Variables, and Dimensions dialog box, in any view, right-click an equation and click Disable Equation.
    The equation disappears from the view. Ordered View retains all equations. The disabled equations are unavailable.
  2. To enable a disabled equation, in the Equations, Global Variables, and Dimensions dialog box, click Ordered View .
  3. Right-click the equation and click Enable Equation.
    The equation reappears in all views where it previously appeared.
In Dimension View , you can enable and disable Global Variables and Features, but not Dimensions.

You can also disable or enable an equation across all configurations by specifying a unique identifier (Relation ID) in a design table. This functionality is available when the Display unique equation identifier option is selected in System Options > Display. See Design Tables and Equations.