Shortcuts for Entering Parameters in a Design Table

When you use design tables in SOLIDWORKS, it is important to format the tables properly.

To manually add certain types of parameters in a design table:

Activate the appropriate worksheet cell, and then do the appropriate one of the following:
Parameter type Action Result
Dimensions Double-click a dimension in the graphics area.

Check that the required dimensions display before you open the design table.

The Dimension@feature_name or Dimension@Sketchn parameter is inserted in the cell.
Feature suppression Double-click a face of the feature. The $STATE@feature_name parameter is inserted in the cell.
Component suppression Double-click a face of the component. The $STATE@component<instance> parameter is inserted in the cell.

As you continue to add parameters this way, the adjacent cell (C2, D2, and so on) is activated automatically. Each parameter is added to the header row, and the current value is displayed in row 3.

You can also use the Modify Configurations dialog box to configure the types of parameters listed above. Right-click an item and select Configure dimension, Configure feature, or Configure component. Then select Auto-create in the Excel Design Table PropertyManager when you create the design table.