Application Options Application Options affect all documents in SOLIDWORKS Inspection. Contents General On the General page, you can specify save and recovery options, menu functions, and add-ins for SOLIDWORKS Inspection. Lists You can customize lists in the Inspection section of the Properties/Preferences PropertyManager to fit your company's requirements. On the Lists page, you can add, delete, modify, and import a .csv file to populate the lists. User Interface On the User Interface page, you can customize the decimal separator, mouse controls, and characteristic table. Templates On the Templates page, you can customize the file locations for templates. Measurements Input On the Measurements Input page, you can record the actual measurement values from part inspections and graphically compare the measured values with the expected values. Measurements Input is available in SOLIDWORKS Inspection Professional. Net-Inspect On the Net-Inspect page, you can map custom fields from SOLIDWORKS Inspection to Field 14 in Net-Inspect. Parent topicOptions Dialog Box