Interactive Page

The Interactive page lets you specify parameters related to interactive web experiences.

Interactive Image Type - Orbits Takes several still images from camera locations in multiple orbits to support spinning, turning, and zooming in around the output model in any web browser.
Number of Orbits Shows the number of times a camera orbits around the model.
Images per Orbit Shows the number of still images created per camera orbit.
Total Number of Images Shows the total number of still images rendered in the interactive render sequence.
Start Angle Sets the lowest angle of orbit.
End Angle Sets the highest angle of orbit
Interactive Image Type - Animation Produces a 3D animation video from the animation timeline.
Save Preset or Save as new Preset Saves settings to an existing preset or adds settings to a new preset.
Information Displays a summary of the total range of the animation, as well as its start and end in both frames and time.