Output Viewer Tab

The Output Viewer tab appears when you render a model so you can manage render jobs and their respective output on a per project basis. You can recall (or re-execute) any previous rendering done in a project, directly from the Output Viewer tab.

On the Output Viewer tab:

  • Referenced rendered output remains when you save a project. For example, if you send the project to another user, that user can see the rendered output content in the Output Viewer tab.
  • Render jobs can include an individual image or multiple rendered images. Content includes:
    • Single image renders
    • 360 camera renders
    • Rendered layers (such as Albedo, Alpha, and Depth)
    • Configurations
    • All camera renders
  • You can scroll through thumbnails of rendered output content and multiselect rendered content to publish to 3DSpace or 3DSwym®.
  • You can play interactive images in 3DPlay.
  • You can scrub through a web-compiled image of animations.

To open the Output Viewer tab:

  1. Click Output Tools > Render .
  2. In the dialog box, on the Render tab, click Start Render.
Areas of the Output Viewer tab include:
Area Description
1. Render job palette

Displays a list of render job submissions. You can:
  • Monitor render progress
  • Pause or save renders
  • Initiate rerenderings
  • Review the Output Tools options for the renders
  • Right-click a render job and click Remove Job.
  • Right-click in the render job palette and:
    • Delete unlinked render jobs
    • Sort render jobs
  • Right-click the scroll bar and scroll to various areas
2. Render viewport

Displays output content actively rendering. It also acts as a content viewer where you can see completed render jobs.
In the upper right corner of the render viewport, you can:
  • Publish to 3DSpace .
  • Publish to 3DSwym . Publishes rendered content to 3DSwym.
  • Actual Size and Fit to Window . Changes the render viewport size.
3. Image thumbnails

Lets you select renderings to open or view in the render viewport.

When you click a thumbnail, the image opens in the render viewport. If you double-click a thumbnail, the image opens in an external viewer. If you double-click the .html thumbnail (Open.html), it generates an .html page.