Section Line Command (DraftSight Mechanical Only) (2024 SP1)

You can create a section line at the cutting plane of the section and insert the corresponding section view label in the drawing area.

Enter the AM_SectionLine command to draw section lines. The command creates the following entities:
Entity Description
1 Section line
2 Section view label
3 Section view identifier
4 Direction arrow
The command lets you control the appearance of different entities of the section line, such as arrows, lines, and name. You can create multiple sections on an entity for the following types of section views:
Type of section view Description
Full section The cutting plane passes through the entire length of the entity.
Aligned section Two nonparallel cutting planes pass through the entity. Use these sections on cylindrical entities.
Half section The cutting plane passes through a portion of the entity to section.
Offset section The cutting plane bends to pass through the features of the entity. Use these sections on entities that are not in a straight line.