Supported File Types

eDrawings has updated the supported versions for several file types.

Format Version
ACIS (.sat, .sab) Up to 2021
Autodesk® Inventor® (.ipt, .iam) Up to 2023
CATIA® V5 (.CATPart, .CATProduct) Up to V5_V62023
Creo® - Pro/Engineer® (.ASM, .NEU, .PRT, .XAS, .XPR) Pro/Engineer 19.0 to Creo 9.0
JT (.jt) Up to v10.6
NX™ (Unigraphics®) (.prt) NX1847 Series to NX2212
Parasolid™ (.x_b, .x_t, .xmt, .xmt_txt) Up to 35.1
Solid Edge® (.asm, .par, .pwd, .psm) V19 - 20, ST - ST10, 2023