- Annotate Tab (2024 SP3)
In SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic, the Annotate tab is added to the ribbon. From this tab, you can make changes to 2D drawings from 3D and flattened routing documents. It saves time and makes customization tasks simpler.
- Terminal Strip Drawings (2024 SP3)
You can organize wires and cables by destination part. This makes terminal strip layouts tidier and more organized.
- 6W Tags Enhancements in ECP(2024 FD03)
The 6W Tags feature in the Electrical Content Portal is enhanced to quickly find specific information in the 6WTags. This helps you organize data and track tasks more effectively.
- Drawing Mark Numbers (2024 SP2)
You can number drawings by folder.This lets you assign the same drawing number across multiple folders. Previously drawing marks were unique per book.
- Exporting Data Files (2024 SP2)
In Link to PDM Configuration dialog box, you can include the data files in the exported PDF file.
- Import Options to Manage Cable References and Manufacturer Parts (2024 SP2)
Two new commands are available in Cable reference management and Manufacturer part management:
- Restructuring the Electrical Component Tree
The electrical component tree is restructured and simplified to display the 2D footprints, 3D parts, and the connection labels associated with a manufacturer part. You can quickly identify these items for a particular manufacturer part in the electrical component tree.
- SOLIDWORKS Electrical Tutorials (2024 FD01)
SOLIDWORKS Electrical tutorials are integrated into the SOLIDWORKS Electrical help. The tutorials are more complete and consistent with existing SOLIDWORKS documentation.
- Cable Management (2024 SP1)
Cable Management has a streamlined workflow that saves you time.
- Dynamic Link Between Drawings (2024 SP1)
When you modify a .SLDDRW drawing file inside SOLIDWORKS® and save it, the software updates the corresponding drawing file (.EWG) inside the SOLIDWORKS Electrical project folder automatically.
- Sharing Links in the Electrical Content Portal (2024 SP1)
You can share links to an item (the manufacturer part, symbol, etc.) or the electrical package containing the item in the Electrical Content Portal.
- Single Entry for Cables or Wires in BOM Tables (2024 SP1)
The BOM table created for cables and wires after routing contains only one entry for each wire style or cable reference.
- Zoom to Fit When Opening Drawings (2024 SP1)
When you open a drawing, you have the option to have it automatically zoom to fit your graphics area. The drawing can be a project drawing, a title block, a symbol, or a dwg file.
- Aligning Components
When you use Align Components while designing 3D cabinet layouts, you can preview changes in the graphics area.
- Changing the Length of Multiple Rails and Ducts
You can change the length of multiple rails and ducts simultaneously. In earlier releases, you could only change the length of a single rail or duct. The multiselection of rails and ducts makes the process of 3D cabinet creation faster.
- Filtering Auxiliary and Accessory Parts
In SOLIDWORKS Electrical, you can filter manufacturer parts based on your selection. You can filter:
- Auto Balloons in 2D Cabinets
You can insert auto balloons in SOLIDWORKS Electrical 2D cabinet layout drawings.
- Removing Manufacturer Part Data
You can clear manufacturer part information when deleting or replacing a part from a component.
- Resetting an Undefined Macro Variable
Excel automation lets you automatically reset undefined macro variables.
- Shortening Lists Using Ranges
In report configuration, when you merge rows, the software lists consecutive values as a range for merged rows instead of listing each individual value in the range.
- SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic Enhancements
SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic offers an improved user experience.
- SOLIDWORKS Electrical Performance Improvement
Performance improvements include: