eDrawings |
.eprt, .easm,
.edrw |
SOLIDWORKS Template Files |
.prtdot, .asmdot, .drwdot |
ACIS (Up to
2021) |
.sat, .sab |
AutoCAD® (Up to AutoCAD 2018) |
.dxf files, .dwg
files |
Inventor® (Up to
2023) |
.ipt, .iam |
CALS (Version 1) |
.cal, .ct1 |
CATIA® V4 (Up to R4.2.5) |
.model, .session,
.dlv, .exp |
CATIA V5 (Up to
V5_V62023) |
CATPart, CATProduct |
CATIA V6 / 3DEXPERIENCE (Up to V5-6 R2019 (R29)) |
.3DXML |
Creo®/Pro/Engineer® (Pro/Engineer Release
19.0 to Creo
9.0) |
.ASM, .ASM.*,
.NEU, .NEU.*, .PRT, .PRT.*,
drawings cannot be imported.
Release 19.0 to Creo 8.0 are supported.
If a
model uses Pro/ENGINEER family table instances, then the XPR and XAS
accelerator instance files must be included for correct results.
Although these instance accelerator files are optional for
Pro/ENGINEER, they are required in eDrawings. When the family table
instance modifies the top level of an assembly, open the XAS file
corresponding to that instance, rather than the ASM file.
Colors in part files are recognized, but colors
applied at the assembly level are not.
Certain Pro/ENGINEER items, such as annotations, sketches, and
layers, are not imported.
DXF/DWG Files |
.dxf files, .dwg
fileseDrawings supports the following:
- DXF and DWG files up to AutoCAD® 2018.
- AutoCAD fonts (SHX), if AutoCAD is
installed. Otherwise the text is rendered in a default
Simplex font.
- Images and OLE objects in DWG files.
- If you import a DXF/DWG file that has
XREFs, eDrawings tries to automatically resolve the XREF. If
the XREF cannot be resolved, the Resolve XRef dialog box appears. Click
Skip file to
import the DXF/DWG file without the XREF file, or navigate
to the XREF file, select it, then click Open to open it. See DXF/DWG File XREFs for more
HOOPS (2018) |
.hsf, .hmf |
.ifc |
IGES (5.1, 5.2, 5.3) |
.iges, .igs |
JT (Up to
v10.6) |
.jt .JT data format files do not support Product
Manufacturing Information (PMI).
(Unigraphics®) (11.0 to 18.0, NX
to NX12, NX1847 Series to
Series) |
.prt |
Parasolid™ (Up to
v35.1) |
.x_b, .x_t,
.xmt, .xmt_txt |
Edge® (V19-20, ST - ST10,
2023) |
.par, .pwd,
.psm, .asm
eDrawings 2021 opens Solid Edge 2019 files.
eDrawings 2022 opens Solid Edge 2020 files.
Solid Edge files do not support PMI.
STEP (AP 203 E1/E2, AP 214, AP
242) |
.step, .stp,
.stpz |
.stl |
Wavefront OBJ |
.obj Limited functionality is available with these
XML Paper Specification (XPS) |
.edrwx, .eprtx,
.easmx You
generate XPS files in SOLIDWORKS with Save As and work with them in eDrawings the same as
eDrawings files.
If eDrawings is installed on
a computer, double-clicking an XPS file opens it in eDrawings rather
than in the XPS Viewer.
You can distribute XPS
files to users with either the XPS Viewer or the eDrawings