Excel Add-in

When you use the Excel automation feature to create the electrical project content, under Excel you can use an Excel add-in to help you to generate the data.

Installing the Excel Add-in

You can install the Excel add-in from SOLIDWORKS Electrical by clicking Import/Export > Ecel Automation > Install Ecel add-in .

The installation program of the Excel add-in automatically starts. If not, you can start the EwExcelAddIn.vsto file (...\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS Electrical\bin\EwExcelAddIn).

Using the Excel Add-in

After the add-in installation, the SOLIDWORKS Electrical tab appears, grouping specific commands to help you to create the XLSX file to process to SOLIDWORKS Electrical.

Icons Description
New Excel file Allows you to create a new Excel file. Use the correct template for the new file.
New electrical project Allows you to create a new electrical project in which you can import the data.
Insert macro Opens the Macros Selector allowing you to select the macro you want to use in the Excel file.
Start SOLIDWORKS Electrical Starts a new instance of SOLIDWORKS Electrical.
Electrical project management Opens the Electrical project management.
Excel automation Starts the XLS Automation process in the current electrical project.
About Displays information about the add-in.