About Macros

A macro is a part of a scheme that you have already drawn and that you want to re-use in another drawing or another electrical project. Macros are grouped together within a library and are thus available for use by all electrical projects.

There are several types of macros, such as scheme macros, line diagram macros, project macros, and PLC macros.

Some of them are used in automatic drawing generation (PLC macro). Others must be manually inserted by the user (scheme or project macros).

Scheme Macros

A scheme macro is a part of a scheme, line diagram, mixed scheme, or 2D layout.

You access your preferred scheme macros from the Macros tab in the dockable panel. You can manage your own palettes. When you create a new scheme macro in your palette, it is automatically added to the Macro library.

Project Macros

A project macro is a part of an electrical project that you want to re-use in the same electrical project or in another. A project macro can include books, folders, drawings, and data files.