Cutting Elements

The Cut command is available at various places of SOLIDWORKS Electrical. The command can move several types of elements by placing the selected elements in the SOLIDWORKS Electrical clipboard. You can move the clipboard elements to new locations using the Paste or Paste special commands.

Cut from the Graphical Area

You can Cut entities in the graphical area.

  1. Access the Cut command using one of the following:
    • Click Edit > Cut .
    • From the graphical element shortcut menu, select Cut .
  2. Select the entities to Cut in the graphical area.
  3. Validate the selection.
The elements are highlighted and they can be inserted in the same or another drawing using the Paste or Paste special commands. The original elements are deleted and placed at the insertion place.

Cut Using Management Dialog Boxes

You can Cut elements using management dialog boxes.

  1. Select the elements to Cut.
  2. Click Management dialog boxes > Cut .
The original elements are kept and can be pasted to another class. At the creation of the new elements, the original elements are removed.

Cut from the Electrical Project Pages

You can Cut using the shortcut menu of an electrical project, book, folder, or drawings.

  1. Select the elements to Cut.
  2. From the project, book, folder, or drawing shortcut menu, select Cut .
The original elements are kept and can be pasted in a similar structure. For example, you can Cut and Paste from a book to a book. A book cannot be pasted in a folder. At the creation of the new elements, the original elements are removed.