Class Properties

The Class properties dialog box groups all the properties of the new class or the selected class. Its content varies according to the classification (components, cable references, macros, and title blocks) and the type of class (system or created by the user).

To open Class properties, do one of the following:
  • Click Classification management > New .
  • Click Classification management > Properties .


The Components classification groups the symbols, the 2D footprints, and the manufacturer parts.

When you select the Components classification, the dialog box displays properties that are assigned automatically to the classes and subclasses in which these properties are not set.


Option Description
Parent Displays the name of the parent Classification and Class. This property is not editable.
Description Enter the name of the class. You can manage this description in all software languages.


Option Description
Creator Displays the origin of the object.
  • System: provided with the software installation
  • User: created by a user
  • Modified system: provided with the software installation and modified by the user
Created By Displays the name of the user who created the object.
Creation Date Displays the date that the object was created.
Modified By Displays the name of the user who modified the object.
Modification Date Displays the date that the object was last modified.

Component Class Properties

This section allows you to assign a specific symbol to the manufacturer part. Click ... to open the selector corresponding to the different symbols.

Option Description
Component Type Select the type of component such as PLC, Connector, Terminal.
User data file name Select the User data file for the components of this class. You can modify this file in the configuration of user data.
Root Enter the root to be used in the component marks.
2D Footprint Lets you select a 2D footprint used in the 2D cabinet layout.
Connection Label Lets you select a symbol of the connection label used for the components associated with this class.
Manufacturer data Select the type of data that you want to manage on the components. This data can be propagated on the attributes displayed in the scheme.

Cable References, Macros, and Title Blocks


Option Description
Parent Displays the name of the parent Classification and Class. This property is not editable.
Description Enter the name of the class. You can manage this description in all software languages.


Option Description
Creation Date Displays the date that the class was created.
Modification Date Displays the date that the class was last modified.
Creator Indicates if this class is created by the software editor (System) or by the user (User).