Dynamic PLC Insertion Dialog Box

This topic explains the options in the Dynamic PLC insertion dialog box.

Table 1. Drawing Management Commands
Command Description
Filter list Filters the list of circuits. When the filter is active, only noninserted circuits are visible.
Hide unused channels Controls insertion of circuits not associated with PLC channels.
  • Yellow: Allows you to clear the channels that are not inputs or outputs
  • Gray: Allows you to select all types of circuits
Insert macros Controls insertion of macros associated with the card channels.
  • Yellow: does not insert macros.
  • Gray: inserts macros.
Channel direction Defines the direction of the card symbol.
Associate I/O Associates channels managed in the PLC Inputs/Outputs with the circuits in the list.
Dissociate I/O Dissociates the circuit/channel associations.
Table 2. Channel List Columns
Command Description
Page breaks Filters the list of circuits. When the filter is active, only noninserted circuits are visible.
Inserted channels Controls insertion of circuits not associated with PLC channels.
  • Yellow: Allows you to clear the channels that are not inputs or outputs
  • Gray: Allows you to select all types of circuits
Channels to insert Controls insertion of macros associated with the card channels.
  • Yellow: does not insert macros.
  • Gray: inserts macros.
Circuits not attached to PLC channels Defines the direction of the card symbol.
Nature of the channel Associates channels managed in the PLC Inputs/Outputs with the circuits in the list.
Channel number The number of the material terminal.
Channel address The address of the channel.
Channel mnemonic Mnemonic name associated with the channel.
Macro Name of the macro attached to the channel.