Importing from Excel

You can import correctly-formatted Excel files to update electrical project data. A wizard helps you to manage the import. These Excel files must have originated as an export from SOLIDWORKS Electrical.

Welcome to the Excel Import Wizard

  1. To import from Excel, click Import/Export > Import from Excel .
  2. In the Welcome to the Excel import wizard, specify the following options:
    Option Description
    Add. Lets you select the Excel file to import. A selection dialog box opens to let you select one or more files.
    Remove. Lets you remove the selected file.

The Excel file is compared with the saved point created during the export. If you try to import an Excel file whose data you did not modify, a message tells you that you do not need to import the file.

You cannot import several Excel files containing the same data type at the same time.

If the original saved point is not found, you can still import the file. The data is compared with the data stored in the electrical project database.

Select Object to Import

The second step of the wizard displays the list of changes and conflicts. You can find one tab per modified data type.

Each tab displays the list of modified elements. When a change is possible, the value is displayed in a green cell. In the first column (select the box), select the elements you want to import. If you do not select an element, the value in the electrical project database is preserved.

In the final step of the wizard, a dialog box opens that asks you if you want to delete or keep the saved point.

Conflict Management

If data has changed in the electrical project since the Excel export and has been modified in the Excel file, a conflict is identified in red with a specific icon.

Edit conflict: Select the cell displaying the conflict and click Edit conflict. A dialog box opens to let you select the data you want.
  • Value from project. The value displayed comes from the database electrical project.
  • Value from imported file. The value comes from the Excel file.
  • Original value. The value comes from the saved point.

Display only conflicts: When this option is selected, only the conflicting elements are displayed.