You can insert connection labels into scheme drawings, wiring diagrams,
and 2D layout drawings. When you insert a dynamic connection label, the symbol representing
it is automatically created, according to the configuration parameters.
To insert a dynamic connection label for component, do one of the following:
Select Configuration
In the list, several possibilities are available:
- < Select symbol to insert>: The connection label
is represented by one symbol you can choose in the symbol selector.
- Configuration files: The graphical
representation is automatically done according to the selected configuration
file. For more information, see Connection Label Configuration.
The options of the dockable panel depend of this choice.
Select Symbol to Insert
This appears only if you choose <Select symbol to insert>
in the previous section. The last symbol inserted is displayed in the side panel.
Click Other symbol to select another symbol in the symbol
selector. Click on a point in the graphical interface to insert it.
Select Circuits to Draw
Columns in the list (left to right):
- Inserted circuits (green) and non-inserted circuits (blue).
- Checkbox used to select the circuits to be inserted.
- Circuit description.
- Terminal number.
Symbol Orientation
Changes the orientation of the symbol by selecting the option or right-clicking.