Understanding Electrical Assembly

An Electrical assembly is a special manufacturer part regrouping several individual manufacturer parts. It is managed like a manufacturer par, can be associated with a symbol, and has circuits and terminals.

You use specific processes to manage the Electrical assemblies, for example in the Copy or Paste commands, 2D and 3D layout, or import data. In a report (bill of material), you can display the Electrical assembly as a manufacturer part (group) or display all the manufacturer parts composing the Electrical assembly.

Inserting an Electrical Assembly into the Catalog

To create one or more Electrical assemblies, in Manufacturer part management, do one of the following:
  • Click Add manufacturer part > Add Electrical assembly : Creates a specific manufacturer part named Electrical assembly.
  • Click Multiple Insertion > Add Electrical Assembly : Creates several electrical assemblies.

In the Electrical assembly properties enter the characteristics and assign the individual manufacturer parts.

Electrical Assembly Properties

Option Description
Properties Lets you select or enter the characteristics of the Electrical assembly. The Properties tab of an Electrical assembly and of a manufacturer part are managed in the same way.
User Data Lets you manage the user data associated with the manufacturer part
Manufacturer parts Lets you define the individual manufacturer parts you want to group in the Electrical assembly. Click Add to access the Manufacturer part selector to select the manufacturer parts you want to add. Click Delete to delete the selected manufacturer parts. On the right side of the dialog box, two arrows let you change the order of the manufacturer parts.

The circuits, terminals, and ERP data of an Electrical assembly are those managed in the sub manufacturer parts.

Assign an Electrical Assembly to a Component

To assign an Electrical assembly to a component, use the same steps as to assign a manufacturer part. When you assign an Electrical assembly to a component, all the individual manufacturer parts of the Electrical assembly are assigned to the component. All the manufacturer parts are grouped under the Electrical assembly.